Saturday, April 29, 2017

The best way to lighten the face

The best way to lighten the face

Many women suffer from facial blemishes for many reasons. Such as, sunlight (ultraviolet light), heat, hormonal imbalance, and dry face and skin , but here are the best ways to lighten your skin :


1.Honey, beets and mint:

Mix the mint oil with the castor, add the honey to them, add the face to the mixture for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

This mixture helps the skin regain its natural color free from burns or pigmentation.

2. Yogurt & Potatoes:

Melt potatoes with milk after cool, mix the mixture in a Container and put it in the refrigerator. Before using, shake the bottle well to smooth it together, apply it on the face and wait until it is dry before washing.

3.Milk :

Spoon of liquid milk, spoon of powdered milk, two tablespoons of rose water. Mix all ingredients together, take the cotton and put it in the mix, Put the cotton on the face completely, Keep the mixture on the face for ten minutes, then wash the skin well, use this mixture every morning and evening.

facePeeling skin to remove traces of pills that may appear, tighten the skin and hide the wrinkles that may appear, and delay their appearance, lighten the dark circles until they gradually disappear, Skin whitening dramatically.

4. Yogurt and orange:

A tablespoon of orange juice, spoon of lemon juice, a cup of yogurt, Mix ingredients well until mixed, then apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then wipe it with a soft towel.

It is not recommended to use this mixture for sensitive skin.

soft skinTo always keep the face bright Peel skin, use sunscreen, moisturize face, drink plenty of water.

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